Crash when opening an image

  • Version: aspect-1.0.0-rc.2
  • Operating system and operating system version: Linux Mint 21.3
  • Steps required to trigger the unexpected behavior
  1. Launch Aspect.
  2. Add images to the library.
  3. Open added image with double click.
    → Aspect crashes with the following fatal error messages.
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] TaskFiber getting terminated due to an uncaught core.exception.ArrayIndexError: core.exception.ArrayIndexError@/home/build/.dub/packages/inbase/0.35.0/inbase/base/inbase/i18n/format.d(89): index [0] is out of bounds for array of length 0
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ----------------
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ??:? [0x55c7316784fe]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ??:? [0x55c731678162]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ??:? [0x55c73169fa3e]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ??:? [0x55c731680d2f]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ??:? [0x55c731676bdd]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ??:? [0x55c731676fbd]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] /home/build/.dub/packages/inbase/0.35.0/inbase/base/inbase/i18n/format.d:89 [0x55c72ff3d413]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] /home/build/.dub/packages/inbase/0.35.0/inbase/base/inbase/i18n/format.d:453 [0x55c72ff3c798]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] /home/build/ldc2-1.39.0-linux-x86_64/bin/../import/std/format/internal/write.d:2165 [0x55c72fe824e7]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] /home/build/.dub/packages/inbase/0.35.0/inbase/base/inbase/i18n/translation.d:247 [0x55c72ff3c7e7]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ../../../krtek/guisupport/krtek/gui/metadataformat.d:14 [0x55c72ff88313]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ../../../krtek/guisupport/krtek/gui/pages/detailsview.d:1552 [0x55c72ffa7e16]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] home/build/.dub/packages/vibe-core/2.9.5/vibe-core/source/vibe/core/task.d:832 [0x55c7309f32dc]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] home/build/.dub/packages/vibe-core/2.9.5/vibe-core/source/vibe/core/task.d:411 [0x55c7309f2d54]
[Main(9Hn2-fin) FATAL] ??:? [0x55c7316a0692]

Attached is the log file created in /tmp.
aspect-log.sdl (133.5 KB)

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Thanks for filing the bug report! I’ve actually just implemented a fix for this issue based on a crash report. This appears to be caused by the integer number format for the configured region locale. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue on my Linux Mint installation, so there is currently no 100% certainty that the fix actually works. In any case, the fix will be in the next release candidate.

Having said that, you might be able to work around the issue by choosing a different region under “System Settings” → “Languages” → “Region” (might require logging out and in again after the change).


Thanks for the reply! Yes, by changing the language from default to US English, images can be displayed.

But there is a small problem: After changing the language, the settings window will be completely black with the following messages:

Creating SDL window...
share window context
Loaded OpenGL version: gl33
subsys: 2
[vibe-io-1(Zfbo) ERR] goo: /lost+found (Permission denied)
[vibe-io-1(N0Hu) ERR] goo: /lost+found (Permission denied)
[Main(qE7E) ERR] Failed to enumerate directory entries: /lost+found (Permission denied)
[vibe-io-1(7PIb) ERR] goo: /root (Permission denied)
[vibe-io-0(LMip) ERR] goo: /root (Permission denied)
[Main(Y9vP) ERR] Failed to enumerate directory entries: /root (Permission denied)
Window closed, shutting down library and application...

Anyway, I’d like to play more with Aspect. :grinning:

This is hopefully a known Linux issue, where dialogs sometimes appear as black. This is one of the last open known issues scheduled to be fixed for the final release version, although it has proven to be difficult to track down, which is also the reason why it is still in the RC. In fact, at least two attempts to fix this have been implemented over time, but it still happens on some systems, sometimes rarely, sometimes often, without any sign in the logs.

The good news are that I can reproduce it on my laptop and that you can get around it in the settings dialog by pressing tab and then the down key to get most of the window to redraw.

In any case, the next release will either have a proper fix or at least a band aid fix for this.

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I see. Thanks for the explanation.

We have released 1.0.0-rc.3 today, which includes a fix for the black dialog issue.

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