Thank you for reporting the issue! Can you please have a look at whether a log file has been produced and if that’s the case, post it either here or via private message to me?
The log file should be stored as %TEMP%/aspect-log.sdl — to find it, either type %TEMP% in the address bar of an explorer window, or press Windows+R and type it there. Within the temp folder, look for the file aspect-log.sdl. The log is a text file that you can also open in any text editor to see what’s inside.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. That file you directed me towards is over 2GB at this point. There are a few crash logs… though one of those is even bigger.
Okay update… I deleted the files at Temp and up one level at Local - which seemed to reset things nicely and give me a chance to start over. This time I grabbed a few files rather than pointing it at my main archive and it is now acting as hoped. I think maybe it couldn’t handle the 2TB all at once. I will give it a little test over the next few days and if all is working well I think I will jump on as an early backer… I am really liking the look if it so far.
Okay, if it shows that behavior again, you could try to kill the process using the task manager right after it begins to freeze to avoid the log file getting too big. It should be pretty well compressible, so creating a zip archive from it should then hopefully bring it down to a size that can be shared easily.
But you are right, it seems like it’s not possible to attach arbitrary files to a post — I will look into that. A mail to would work as an alternative for the time being.
Edit: Attaching/uploading log files (zipped or unzipped) is now possible.