thanks for reporting that crash. We have discovered some weird behaviour as well and that is why we released a hot fix this weekend. You can download the latest version here:
In general it is very helpful for us that when you encounter the crash you press Windows + R on your keyboard and then type %TEMP%\aspect-log.html to open our log file. If you send this aspect-log.html to we can see in more detail what happened in the background.
Please try the preview 7. Maybe the crash is fixed.
Just to let you know we found the reason for the crash:
When you send an image from Aspect to Photopaint, we generate a Tiff file in RGB format. This gets opened in Photopaint. You make your edits. Somehow in this specific case the tiff file got changed from RGB to CMYK and the added ISO coated v2 color profile is the root of this crash.
This is why we convert the jpg into a 16 bit Tiff file which will ensure that no data gets lost on its way between applications. The price for this quality is a bigger file.
But there is a way around this if you don’t mind the loss of image quality:
Yes, I know the compression thing… 100 years ago, the impressionsts had to do the whole pixeling by brush and hand… These days, we save jpgs multiple times…
A suggestion for a side business:
Trading high capacity harddiscs.