Version 1.0.0-rc.5

Hey everyone,

a new version of Aspect has been released: 1.0.0-rc.5 (view blog post). You’ll find the download links in the next section of this post. Simply install over the existing installation to upgrade.


:paperclip: Windows installer
:paperclip: macOS bundle
:paperclip: Linux AppImage (experimental)

:paperclip: Windows server version (x86_64) (experimental)
:paperclip: macOS server version (universal) (experimental)
:paperclip: Linux server version (x86_64) (experimental)
:paperclip: Linux server version (arm64) (experimental)

Please remember: Even though the software is reasonably stable at this point, always make a backup of your data, or work with a copy of it!

Mobile Sync

Android: Getting Started on Android
iOS: Getting Stated on iOS

New features

  • Implemented detection of problematic image files
    • When the application now crashes while loading an image, it will now detect this as part of the crash reporter
    • Problematic images can optionally be uploaded with the crash report
    • The images will also be put on a block list to avoid repeated crashes
    • The block list can be managed in the application settings


  • Reduced the amount of empty space at the bottom of the photo stream
  • Further reduced the scrolling speed on macOS to better match other applications
  • Optimized the performance for page transitions to the photo stream
  • The “Waiting for editor” activity will now be hidden once an externally edited image has been saved

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a possible crash when scanning a large folder of images with different color profiles
  • Fixed multiple occurrences of wrong color output for PSD images that are using a particular transparency channel mode
  • Fixed a crash caused by PSD files containing no mask info section
  • Fixed a possible crash when loading a TIFF with a single malformed IPTC-NAA metadata field
  • Fixed thumbnails being drawn over the title bar area during page transitions
  • Fixed an issue where the last entered number was not taken into account in the date/time edit dialog

Feel free to leave any feedback here or in the bug reports sub forum. Thanks for helping to shape a new way of organizing photos!


Finally got around to trying the server version and, while I’ve gotten to a point of being able to load the web page, I can’t figure out how to initialize or load libraries. After seeing the error message:

[main(----) ERR] Settings: failed to load file 'file:///etc/aspect/aspect-web.settings': Failed to locate file file:///etc/aspect/aspect-web.settings

I created the parent folder manually, ensuring the running user had full read/write access in the hopes that a sample file would be generated. Sadly it did not, so I created a blank settings file which lead to a new error:

[main(----) ERR] Failed to parse settings file 'file:///etc/aspect/aspect-web.settings': (1): Error: JS
ON string is empty. 

Can someone point me to a sample file or documentation on the formatting? I’d even settle for the setting file parser code if that would be easier.

I’m super excited to get this next level of syncing up and running so I can provide feedback on the capability.
Keep up the great work! Counting down the months until GA!

Found it! For those struggling to find the doc, it’s listed in the
aspect-preview-41 announcement.

I’m able to connect my desktop instance to the server. Unfortunately, I get a seg fault when I accept the library invitation.

Here is the console output from RC5 linux server:

Request accepted.
Recived request showPairingCode code='CODE12'.
Recived request finishPairing id='[...]'.
Recived request showInvitation library='user’s Aspect Library'.
Request accepted.
[main(uOCn) ERR] Failed to test library instance membership: Unknown library instance ID: 01JHPMM95EB46
Clone library to '/home/user/.local/lib/aspect-web/libraries/user's Aspect Library'
Cloning library revisions count: 0/0 bytes 0/0
Storing library structure...
Acquiring library lock...
Loading cache...
Loading revisions...
Loading library...
Loading existing library in file:///home/user/.local/lib/aspect-web/libraries/user%E2%80%99s%20Aspect%20Library
Cloning library revisions count: 0/0 bytes 0/0
Cloning library revisions count: 0/27 bytes 0/0
Segmentation fault

If you get the chance to run this using gdb or lldb and extract a backtrace for the segfault with the bt command, that would be great. I’ll also see if I can reproduce this on a clean machine - I’ve always tested with a fixed setup, so it could be that this has hidden the issue for me.

Found it! For those struggling to find the doc, it’s listed in the
aspect-preview-41 announcement.

I’ll add this to the documentation pages and put a link in upcoming announcement posts to make this better to find.

Okay, it looks like this may be something in particular with the library being synchronized. I’ve tested on a fresh Linux system and everything worked as is should with a simple test library.