Hi all and thanks Fischkoeppe,
Collected first start thoughts:
Windows 10, Aspect 1.0.0-preview.2
Download / install
I wrote the link to the download without https, which is a 404.
Firefox marked the exe as ‘unusual file’, wanted to delete it again.
Windows Defender SmartScreen protected the file, blocked execution. -
App start, used license.txt
I had called the license.txt differently, the license picker couldn’t pick a different file name.
No example library possible, created my own. -
Library creation dialog
Nice visualization, this works well.
–> HD4600 has render issues (flickering in dialog, no rendered image in main screen, see also log)
I restarted after switching to a Geforce card, which works
- Library creation
“Import” button above items is small, but when you look, you find it.
I realized I didn’t like the library setup, wanted to change the layout, which can’t be changed in the settings, went for creating a new library. When I selected my D: drive to import photos from, the main screen didn’t show anything anymore. (log 2nd library failed).
–> Restarted
Library creation
For folder navigation, the tiled based layout isn’t too great, as its either gigantic folders and readable / not chopped text or the text is chopped.
Having import at the top of the screen feels strange at first. I would have expected actions like this to be at the bottom of the screen, although its not a dialog. -
Import button
I already have a custom library setup I wanted to import and copy over to the Aspect lib.
I start small, don’t want to import my full lib. If I select some folders, this is confusing:
- Fotos importieren : I understand this as: those are the once I selected, which will be imported
- Aktuellen Ordner als Ereignis importieren: Is this the currently viewed or the selected?
- Unterordner … : Dito as above, is this about the subfolders of the selected or the currently viewed?
- Import dialog
I hesitate to use the import button, as I expected this to start an operation immediately. But there is another step before this is actually done. That import dialog (or how such UI element is called) can have a lenghty idle spinner, which could use an explanation and ideally a progress estimation (what do I wait upon, do I have to wait? afaict this where about 30k photos).
The checkbox “Kopien am Quellort belassen” could use some more explanation. Does this delete if unchecked? SD import might be more relevant for this, but I’m currently importing from my existing lib, which I don’t want to change / modify.
… After waiting some minutes: Yes, I guess I have to wait before I can hit “Import”. Do I now will have to wait twice? Once on import selection and another time the actual import?
… After several minutes, which I didn’t stop as I did something else
Scrolling is well, but photos take half a minute or more to appear. Plain selection feedback on these photos is close to one second, which is quite long.
I wonder: How do I import my old lib? In one rush and organize afterwards or re-use my previous events to create events on import?
While doing that, I scroll click here and there. Then try to drag-select-box a bunch of (still not visible / black) photos. This looks to be a drag operation. I do it a couple of times, one time the main menu opens, although the cursor was afaict not in the vicinity, then I continued doing random drags, then a crash (no “this has stopped” warning, simply the app closed).
–> lib creation, then crash.log
Restarted, I get a dialog:
“Eine Fotobox aus einer anderen Version dieser Bibliothek wurde gefunden”
This dialog seems to be missing some string (snippet >>…Version der geoeffneten Bibliothek “” wurde gefunden <<)
What does that dialgo mean? So far, I didnt’ import anything and even if so, what are versions of libraries? But since this was “succesfully integrated”, I didn’t bother too much atm.
Instead of the import down left, I used Menu -> existing events with multiple sub-folders.
This dialog looks like the import I need. As this is a huge list where I wanted only a couple of folders, I click-selected and wanted to select by space and cursor navigation. Space however accept the import dialog and moved on with that. A question on how to treat RAW/JPG I used to abort import.
I restart that dialog.
Shift-click selection of multiple folders isn’t possible. I have about 100 folders to select, so this is a not great. Also, toggling between “Move” or “Keep” somehow re-builds the UI visually and is only execute after a delay (?). So I will only import a couple of folders. No, actually screw that, I’ll import the root of those folders and see what will happen. Though, I didn’t close the privous import dialog and now there are two on top. The “back arrow” next to the search bar has no effect.
Using my photos containing root folder, the import folder tree widget switches UI layout while operating on it, this feels quite weird. (Sorry, no video of this). Sadly, it doesn’t look like my plan works, so I select a couple of photos. A bit annoying is the UI update after selection of a folder, which changes the layout when populating tha amount of photos in a folder.
That’s it for today, I close Aspect.
General UI feedback:
Black main screen
Related to HD4600, I’ll send the log. -
Text entry fields don’t support wordwise selection / wordwise cursor navigation.
Should place the cursor at the start/end of the current word when using CTRL+cursor. -
Text entry fields don’t allow selection by mouse
Should sellect words (double click), whole field (triple click) -
UI flickers on text entry (eg create library screen)* This was with intel HD 4600
In case you don’t know this, I can share a screen capture.